Mazilankatha Ranch

We pride ourselves in producing non-GMO beef and lamb. Our meat is organic and does not contain any synthetic growth hormones. Our animals are grazed as they were meant to be, free to roam and feed on open pastures.

About Us

Mazilankatha Ranch is a family-owned and operated ranch located in South Africa and Zimbabwe. We proudly provide affordable, high-quality beef and lamb to customers all over the world.

Our meat is free of GMOs, growth hormones, nitrates, and other harmful additives. Our animals are raised on a 100% organic diet of pasture grasses, grains, and minerals—all of which are grown right here on our farm.

We believe in producing the highest quality meat possible for our customers. We have worked hard to build a reputation for ourselves as being one of the best providers of non-GMO beef and lamb in South Africa and Zimbabwe.

Healthy Meat for you

If you are looking for affordable quality beef and lamb in South Africa, look no further than Mazilankatha Ranch. Our meat is organic and does not contain any growth hormones.

Contact us for a quote, help, or to join the team.

Contact Us

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4th Floor, 3 Alice Lane, Sandton 2191
